About Us


Grocal’s as the name spells is all about Growing Local Business. This online e-commerce business platforms brings together vendor, shopkeepers farmers and retail household customers into one string mutually benefiting to all. Envisaged and inspired by Honorable Prime minister of India Shri Narendra Modi’s inspirational concept of Vocal for Local, Grocal’s aims to contribute towards safe business transactions in this trying time of global and national crisis. We provide safe and healthy option to buyers (customers) by providing them door to door delivery of their daily  need items from shopkeepers close to their residence. The products and packaging are well sanitized and customers can select their choice products online through this mobile application and can place their order. The products range and variety is adequate to meet their needs at discounted prices and easily deliverable from closest shopkeeper. The product quality and duly verified by Grocal’s team and remains a key commitment towards customers as per policy of Grocal’s. It also provides increased scope of business for vendors, shopkeepers and farmers whose business has drastically undergone a down trend in this global and national crisis period. Grocal’s encourage all domestic and nearby business brands and manufactures in promotion of their products and assures best of the validated quality for customers.



Why should you use Grocal’s ?


    •  Grocal’s is different from others online E- commerce platform because we work for  Local shopkeepers  Local manufacturer and their Local produce.
    •  We maintain social distancing, avoid people gathering, provide free delivery life time.
    •  We Sanitize our products because your health is our primary responsibility.
    •  Very fast Delivery and Contact-Less Delivery. 

How to Order ?




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